Marching shoes designed from the ground up by the World Champion Blue Devils.
Unequalled STABILITY
• Super-Wide Outsole with unique Lateral Support StabilizersUnequalled SECURITY
• Achilles Tendon/Heel-Lock
• Athletic-Grade (plush) ankle collarUnequalled GRIP/TRACTION
• Engineered tread pattern
• Wet/dry super-stick sole compoundUnequalled MOVEMENT
• Dance-shoe design shows off elegant foot articulationUnequalled COMFORT
• Full-shoe absorbent padding
• Super-cushy sock lining
• 100% BlisterProofUnequalled PERFORMANCE BOOSTER
• Patented ROLLED-HEEL™ proven to improve marchingUnequalled FLEXIBILITY
• Unique “Forefoot HINGE™” for “toes up” & “ball of foot” flexUnequalled ACCELLERATIONS
• Finest durable materials yet Lightweight/Low-Mass constructionUnequalled PEACE-OF-MIND
• LIFETIME “New Pair” Replacement GUARANTEEThe revolutionary design of the System Blue Super Drillmaster is totally unique. The product is an intimate collaboration between the Blue Devils and Drillmasters that began back in 1994.
The design team maintained strict requirements for comfort, support, flexibility and the all-critical, safety/stability. The goal was simple: heavy and stiff had to go.
The first and only marching shoe “Designed from the Ground Up” by the World Champion Blue Devils. System Blue Super Drillmaster is the “perfect marching shoe.”
MEN’S: 3-16, HALF-SIZES 3 1/2-10 1/2, WIDE 11-16
WOMEN’S: 5-18, HALF-SIZES 5 1/2-12 1/2, WIDE 13-18COLORS: EASY-CLEAN BLACK (only)